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linear encoding中文是什么意思

用"linear encoding"造句"linear encoding"怎么读"linear encoding" in a sentence


  • 线性编码


  • The efficient encoding problem of ldpc codes is discussed in detail , and the reasons that tornado codes and repeat accumulate codes are linear encode - able and the relationships between them and efficient encode - able ldpc codes are presented . two constructions of linear encode - able ldpc codes are brought up and their performances under awgn channels are simulated
  • At the same time , a novel approach to construction of ldpc codes based on the permutation matrix was proposed which got a parity check matrix with the shortest girth is 6 . these codes keep the advantage of linear encoding and become more flexible . simulations show that the performance of short length codes of this kind is as excellent as other ldpc codes
    同时提出一种基于置换阵循环移位的构造方法,得到的校验矩阵围长至少为6 ,且保持编码的线性复杂度,码率灵活,仿真结果验证了置换阵ldpc码码长较短时,在高斯信道下性能接近或超过现有其他构造方式的ldpc码。
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